Chiropractic Care Can Ease Arthritis Symptoms

Cold, wet weather can make us all a bit creaky, but for people living with arthritis, especially, the cold weather can make them stiff and achy. Arthritis is an umbrella term for many types of arthritic conditions, which cause the trademark pain and stiffness. But, In many cases, chiropractic care can ease arthritis symptoms of the back and neck. Your chiropractor will want a full medical history and possibly X-rays. A consultation and examination will help define the range of options.

If everything checks out, a chiropractor can gently manipulate surrounding tissues to reduce pain and spasms caused by arthritis. The treatment a chiropractor provides for arthritis isn’t a bone-cracking adjustment. It is very close to massage or physiotherapy. But it can help the arthritic patient, and sometimes the results can be dramatic, albeit temporary, as arthritis isn’t currently curable.

Function restoration

The problem with arthritis is that it causes pain and stiffness. By reducing both, a patient can have more flexibility, range of motion, and ease of movement thanks to restored function.  

Swelling isn’t treatable with chiropractic manipulation. 

Those who have rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or ankylosing spondylitis have an inflammatory disease. These types of arthritis respond differently during an active bout of inflammation. They do, however, respond to other forms of non-opioid treatment, so talk to your chiropractor about available therapy options. 

Help that is non-invasive and non-addictive

Nothing will make arthritis go away. But, by using chiropractic treatments to reduce the symptoms, an arthritis patient suffering from back and neck symptoms can gain more function with less pain and stiffness. 

Many people are opposed to treatments that involve surgical intervention or long term treatment with opioids. Even Madonna sought help for her arthritis from a chiropractor, saying, “I did not go to conventional physicians for treatment, mainly because I feel they treat symptoms and not the overall human system of body, mind, and soul ...This approach has brought me back to a state of full integrated healing and strength.”

Chiropractic treatment can bring the arthritis sufferer relief without the need for drastic measures. If you have arthritis pain, stiffness, or have lost some range of motion, making an appointment with a chiropractor could be just the thing to bring you the relief you need.


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Waking Up Painlessly