A Chiropractor vs. a Physical Therapist: What's the Difference?

Chiropractors and physical therapists are licensed professionals who treat and manage chronic body pains, stiffness, and discomforts through various treatment methods across lifespans. The pain may or may not always be a result of injuries. They share the same goal of improving a patient's flexibility, mobility, and quality of life through customized plans, after evaluating their needs, injury type, and body ailment. 

While both physical therapy and chiropractic care are suitable to treat and co-treat a wide range of symptoms and health conditions, their approach and perspective may differ to achieve the desired results. In certain scenarios and depending on the type of discomfort, one treatment form may work more effectively than the other. Knowing the difference between the two disciplines can help patients seeking pain relief choose the more suitable treatment option for their condition. 

Let's examine the difference between a chiropractor and a physical therapist to facilitate decision making:

Treatment philosophies

The prime focus of chiropractors is the musculoskeletal and nervous system, including joints, muscles, tendons, and functions. A chiropractor emphasizes spine alignment and manipulation to alleviate pain and inflammation. They can recommend massages and some lifestyle and dietary changes after evaluating the symptoms. Chiropractic care treats conditions like neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, sports injuries, backache, headaches, and joint pain.

A physical therapist or PT focuses on restoring mobility, strength, and function of the body and managing pain in ill or injured patients after thorough evaluation and diagnosis. They develop a wellness plan, suggest exercises, postures, hands-on manipulation, therapies, and alternate ways to avoid injuries and pain. A physical therapist may help a patient with restricted movement due to surgery, injury, a health condition, or an accident. They can also assist in strength building by developing a personalized plan for patients undergoing rehabilitation due to diseases and conditions like stroke, Parkinson's, arthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and multiple sclerosis. 

Treatment methods

Chiropractors are experts on the functionality of the nervous system. They rely on spinal manipulations, massages, and laser therapy to solve a patient's pain-related problems. 

Physical therapists help patients brush up or relearn some skills that they lost due to pain or injury. 


Chiropractors require specialized equipment and a dedicated space to make a spinal adjustment.

Physical therapists can work in different settings, like homes, schools, fitness centers, sports, nursing and rehabilitation facilities, clinics, and offices.


To practice as a chiropractor, an individual should first get a bachelor's degree, then attend a chiropractic school to get a Doctor of Chiropractic degree. After that, they should pass the required exams to get a state license. 

An individual must obtain a Doctorate of Physical Therapy degree and pass a licensing exam to become a practicing physical therapist.

Chiropractors and physical therapists offer non-invasive treatments for pain management and treating other symptoms. Some patients may require both chiropractic care and physical therapy to treat their problems. 

Your doctor can recommend whether a chiropractor or a physical therapist is the right person to treat your pain and facilitate movement.


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