Can Chiropractic Care Improve Athletic Performance?

Chiropractic care is usually considered alternative medicine and pseudoscience, but there’s no doubt that it benefits athletes. Sports teams frequently employ and refer to chiropractors for regular checkups and care. If the world’s top athletes consistently use chiropractic services, it stands to reason that they can benefit amateur athletes and enthusiasts.

Here are some of the top benefits of chiropractic care for athletes.

It helps muscles recover

Heavy workouts can put muscles under immense stress, and accidents occasionally happen. Chiropractic treatments improve the body’s natural regenerative abilities and speed up recovery times, greatly enhancing performance and reducing workout stress.

Reduces inflammation

Seasoned athletes often push their bodies to breaking point, but inappropriate training can have severe downsides. Some athletes can suffer from chronic inflammation and pain from previous injuries, facilitating long-term care and measures. Chiropractic treatments can moderately alleviate chronic pain and significantly reduce back pain. Manipulation of the spinal cord can also relieve joint pressure and reduce inflammation.

Improves balance and agility

Chiropractic care is focused on removing elements and conditions that break down the body’s natural balancing mechanisms. As a part of that process, treatments can realign nerves and bones and may improve range of motion.

It may help oxidative stress

Free radical aging is one of the most studied theories on human aging and immune system mechanisms. In essence, free radicals are byproducts of food processing, chemical reactions, and natural metabolism. When the human body is exposed to too many free radicals, aging can speed up and cause oxidative stress on the cells, removing their ability to fight infections, and break down muscles and tissues. Athletes are at the highest risk of oxidative stress during and after exercise. Chiropractic care usually improves the body’s natural immune system and helps keep the free radical levels in check where they can’t do much harm.

Improving the immune system

Athletes have to be in peak physical health to maintain top shape. Illnesses take away precious training time and can have a debilitating impact on muscle mass and BMI. Chiropractic treatments help remove toxins from the body and allow it to strengthen its immune system. Without internal toxins, the natural immune system is better poised to effectively tackle new threats and potential illnesses. Reducing the number of sick days will improve athletic performance, allow more training, and improve the overall quality of life. If you’re a hobbyist gym-goer, it will also give you more time for hobbies and sporting activities.

Active or aspiring athletes can contact experienced chiropractors for assistance. Chiropractic care has the potential to improve normal body functions and performance.


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