Learn More About Common Car Accident Injuries

Escaping a car accident completely unscathed is rare but possible. However, many road users come out of the experience with minor or major injuries. Certain types of injuries are no big deal. Others may require lengthy recovery and rehab.

While people can survive all kinds of bodily injuries due to road accidents, some injuries are more prevalent than others.

Neck injuries and whiplash

Whiplash can occur even if you hit the brakes too hard. The resultant impact can strain a neck ligament, tendon, or muscle and cause a great deal of pain. If left untreated, whiplash can develop into a permanent injury.

Head injuries

In a car accident, head injuries of various severity may occur. Many head injuries heal readily, but you should not neglect them. However, traumatic brain injuries can also lead to long-term health problems and an extensive recovery process.

Broken bones

Broken bones are the norm in car accidents. Drivers and passengers may end up with broken arms, legs, hips, and even shoulders.

Another common injury area is broken ribs due to their fragility. Even a slight impact may result in a fractured rib.

Herniated disc

Slipped or herniated disc happens when one or more vertebrae move out of place or rupture. While not entirely debilitating, it can be excruciating and cause complications. Most people who survive a car accident with a herniated disc will require physical therapy or even surgery.

Knee injury

The knees are in a precarious position during a car accident. Those in the front may hit their knees on the dashboard and hurt their ligaments or kneecap.

These types of injuries may require braces, crutches, and even surgical intervention.

Scrapes and cuts

There's more than one way for a car accident to inflict scrapes and cuts.

Regardless of how benign they may seem, these injuries require attention. An open wound poses a risk of infection and can be very painful.

Internal bleeding

The blunt force trauma sustained in a collision can cause damage to blood vessels that leads to internal bleeding. It's a life-threatening injury that requires immediate medical attention.

Screening for internal bleeding after a car accident is a standard medical procedure, as this type of injury is not always apparent.

Drive safely, and don't forget to wear your seatbelt!

You may not like to think about being involved in a car accident. But the fact is that these are heavy machines operating at high speed.

Driving below speed limits, buckling up, and regular car maintenance are essential steps every driver can make. Furthermore, you may want to visit the ER after a road accident regardless of how you feel.


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