Top 5 Core Muscle Exercises for Better Health

There are several benefits of having a healthy core. Strong core muscles positively impact the overall physical wellbeing. They stabilize the lower back, enhance flexibility, improve motion, support better posture, balance, and coordination, reduce or prevent pain and injuries, protect the organs, and make it easier to perform routine activities. 

Exercise is the best way of ensuring strong core muscles. The stronger the core muscles are, the better a person can perform everyday activities. Here are a few of the best exercises a chiropractor can suggest to build up core muscle strength:


The bridge is an excellent exercise for people experiencing back pain. It works to improve posture and hip flexibility:

  • Lie flat on the back and bend both the knees with feet lying flat on the floor. 

  • Rest the hands parallel to the body with palms facing down.

  • Raise the hips off the floor till they are in a straight line with shoulders and knees while breathing deeply.

  • Hold the position for a few seconds. Then slowly lower the hips while getting back to the start position, exhaling, and without moving the shoulders. 

  • Complete 2 or 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps.

Forearm plank

  • Lie face down on a mat by extending the legs straight behind.

  • Push the body up, resting the weight on the forearms, elbows directly beneath the shoulders, and body in a straight line from head to feet.

  • Tighten the abdominal muscles.

  • Stay in the position as long as you can and gradually increase the duration. 

Beginners can try the side plank position. 

Leg crossover stretch

This exercise enhances the strength of the lower back muscles and lower abdominals:

  • Lay flat on the back.

  • Form a T by spreading the arms out with feet on the ground and knees bent and shoulder-width apart.

  • Lift the left ankle, bend it, and put it on the right knee. 

  • Lower the left ankle and right knee to the floor on the right side while turning the head to the left side. 

  • Hold the position for some time and return the ankle and the knee to the original position

  • Switch sides and repeat the same exercise.

Dead bug

Dead bug targets abdominal muscles. Lie faceup on the mat. Keep the lower back on the ground while lifting and extending the arms straight above the shoulders toward the air. Lift the legs over the hips to form a 90-degree angle. Use controlled movement to lower the left leg towards the floor while lowering the right arm. Just before the leg or arm touches the floor, stop and hold the position for a few seconds. Slowly return to the start position. Then repeat the same movements with the opposite arm and leg. 


Squats strengthen the erector spinae muscle. To do squats correctly:

  • Stand upright with the feet shoulder-width apart. 

  • Extend the arms straight out in the front for balance. Alternatively, hold them at chest level or behind the head.

  • Slowly start lowering the body back, bend the knees and push the hips back as far as possible, like sitting on a chair. 

  • Keep the knees, hips, shoulders, and heels in one line, with weight on the heels.

  • Avoid touching the body with the arms - try keeping them extended.

  • Get back to the start position to repeat the exercise.

Maintain core muscle strength and wellbeing

When a patient visits a chiropractor for issues like joint or muscle pain, chronic back pain, limited range of motion, long sitting job, after an accident, or an active lifestyle, their treatment plan often includes these exercises. 

If you experience any of the above problems, consult a professional chiropractor for suitable exercises to improve core strength. The correct exercises combined with chiropractic care can manage the current pain and prevent future pain and injuries.

When you’re injured in a car accident, there is no reason to delay treatment due to lack of insurance or while waiting for insurance approval. Here at Renew Accident & Injury Chiropractic Clinic we treat car accident cases with zero out-of-pocket cost to the patient. Call 503-493-9730.


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