Unearthing the Many Benefits of Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is growing in popularity as a mainstream clinical treatment option for various medical issues. A chiropractor can use therapeutic massage therapy to help patients suffering from sports injuries, back pain, neck pain, arthritis, depression, fibromyalgia, stress injuries, and headaches. The therapists manipulate the soft tissues and muscles with their fingers, hands, elbows, and forearms to relieve mild to severe symptoms. 

People can opt for different types of massage therapies, depending on the condition they suffer from and the result they are willing to achieve. Massage therapy is non-invasive, safe, and natural and induces the body to heal itself. 

Here are the most common health benefits people can derive from massage therapy:

Chronic pain relief

Massage therapy relaxes tense muscles and joints and increases the serotonin levels for natural pain reduction. A professional therapist, after examination, can create a suitable massage regimen to alleviate chronic pain in the neck, shoulders, lower back, and head. 

Improved sleep

A good night’s sleep of six to seven hours can cure various ailments. Massage by an expert increases relaxation and reduces stress, pain, and inflammation. The increase in serotonin levels helps people sleep better. 

Stress reduction

Stress can wreak havoc on the mind and body and is the underlying cause behind various diseases and dysfunctions. Massage therapy is very useful in alleviating stress and its associated conditions to make the patients feel relaxed and at ease.  

Increased mobility

Massage therapy relaxes and loosens the muscles to improve flexibility and help them work at their full potential. It allows people to participate in daily activities without a feeling of pain and stiffness. Massage therapy increases the range of motion and increases the ability to bend and stretch.

Reduced effects of painful medical treatments

People with severe illnesses like cancer can also benefit from massage therapy. It can alleviate pain, nausea, and fatigue that accompany such treatments. The therapist can use a customized approach for such patients and use moderate pressure for sensitive areas. 

Relief from anxiety and depression

Massage therapy reduces cortisol levels, a type of stress hormone, and increases dopamine and serotonin production. Increased stress hormones in the body can lead to headaches, digestive issues, and sleeplessness. Massage therapy improves mood and eliminates anxiety and depression. 

Enhanced immunity

Regular massage therapy improves the body’s ability to fight infections and diseases and makes the immune system more resilient. It stimulates the lymph nodes, which enhances the natural defense system. Multiple studies show that massages boost immune cells and cause the immune system to function smoothly. 

Better circulation

One of the long-term advantages of massage therapy is improved circulation, which provides tense, damaged, and stiff muscles and tendons with the requisite blood supply to promote healing. 

Lower blood pressure

High blood pressure is one of the primary causes of heart attacks and heart diseases. Regular massage therapy sessions reduce blood pressure levels and reduce the risk of stroke, kidney failure, and other health and wellness issues. 

Apart from these, massage therapy is also beneficial in easing pregnancy pains, alleviating PMS symptoms, improving posture, and recovering from sports injuries. 

Do you need a chiropractor?

Massage therapy is relaxing and relieves pain. A chiropractor can diagnose the symptoms and evaluate the pain levels and medical history to determine if a patient can benefit from massage therapy.


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